We accept

Photography by RIKU IKEYA


パンデミックが収まり、忘れかけていた「いつも通り」の生活が戻ろうとしている。制作に取り掛かったのは、そんな時期だった。誰にも会うことなくアトリエで作業をする日々を抜け、友人や家族たちと顔を合わせて話をするなかで、世界をまるごと包み込んでいた霧が少しずつ晴れていく。 夏の終わりのある夜、数年ぶりに見た花火が目を瞑ってもまぶたの裏で弾け、ニットにラメを散りばめることにした。心地いい風の吹く日、前を歩く人の背中とコートが目に焼き付き、よく揺れるダブルフェイスのコートを作った。今までなら出来なかった素直な表現をまとい、イメージは洋服の形を成していく。 人がそれぞれに持っているありのままの表情や仕草、癖のようなもの。そんな、ごく 私的な部分に宿るエレガンス。“Acceptability 受容性”。言葉を持たない私たちがそれを見つけたのは、制作も終盤に差し掛かった時 だった。 洋服は作り手の元を離れて、誰かのものになっていく。その人のからだに沿ってシワが寄り、日常の一部として溶け込んだ時、私たちの制作はひとつの区切りを迎える。

One day, a gaze inadvertently fell upon a magazine cover left on the desk.
The photograph captured someone vigorously swinging a racket in what seemed to look like a big park. Oblivious to being photographed or simply unbothered by it. A scenery in everyday life. The image might have gone unnoticed during another time. The natural, unadorned, and innocent movement effortlessly eased the subconsciously gripping tension.

As the pandemic subsided, the long-forgotten ‘normal’ life began to return. During this time, work began. Emerging from the days spent working in solitude in the studio, the fog that had enveloped the world slowly began to lift through meeting and talking with friends and family.

One night at the end of summer, glitter was sprinkled on some knitwear after seeing fireworks that hadn’t been seen in years burst vividly behind closed eyelids. The sight of someone walking ahead and their coat on a breezy day etched in memory led to a double-faced coat that sways gracefully. Embracing an authenticity that was previously unachieved, these images gradually took shape as garments.

Each individual's innate expressions, gestures, and quirks are unique. True elegance inhabits these deeply personal aspects. 'Acceptability'. We discovered this during the final stages of our creation, speaking words that we do not usually use.

When a garment leaves the hands of its creator and becomes someone else's, it begins to form creases along their body, seamlessly blending into their daily lives. This is when our creation reaches a meaningful end.

Direction & Design:
MUST SHIRAISHI (scenescape)
Words & Edit:
KEITA ENDO (kontakt)



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